To provide people with easy access to high-end services, specialised treatment under the supervision of medical experts, Yashoda Hospital has initiated a community outreach campaign–Preventive Oncology Program. The campaign is flagged off to make people aware of the symptoms and risk factors associated with cancer, at the beginning stage.
We know that there is an urgent need to create awareness about cancer amongst people at the same time, making them aware of the importance of early detection and treatment to avoid associated risks with the disease. Our program aims to raise awareness and to encourage efforts towards early prevention, detection, and cure.
Cancer Care on Wheels: A mobile Cancer Van will assist the year-long program with Cancer Camps, at various locations for the screening of breast, cervical, prostate and head & neck cancer.
Expert Consultation: The camp will focus on screening and specialist consultation from Super Specialists of the Oncology Department of Yashoda Hospital.
State-Of-Art Treatment At No Cost: The hospital would also offer the benefit of high-end investigations like Mammography, Pap smear for females, prostate screening for males and Head & Neck screening for both male and female at no cost at all.
We are eager to help you at every step of your medical journey from hospital and back to your home.