Pregnancy is the most important and beautiful experience for a woman. That’s why they need the best possible care for themselves and their unborn child. Pregnancy care consists of two phases, which are prenatal and postnatal healthcare. For prenatal care, the gynaecologist performs regular check-ups to ensure that both the baby and mother are in good health.
A thorough diagnosis during each course of the pregnancy will also help in ensuring a trouble-free delivery. It involves medication and vaccinations and even educating or preparing the parents for different phases and even potential risks. Therefore, having an experienced gynaecologist to help them with pregnancy care is important than they think.
In a normal delivery, the labour starts with the rupture of the amniotic sac, also known as water breaking. After that, the uterus starts contracting and relaxing to push the baby out through the cervix.
During the labour, the cervix will dilate to allow the baby to pass through. It opens up to 10 cm and let the baby pass into the birth canal. Once the baby enters the vagina, the labia and the perineum get stretched and open up.
The doctor then performs an incision on the vaginal opening to fasten the delivery and relieve her pain. It allows the baby’s head to come out so the doctor may ask the mother for one last push to bring her baby into the world. After that, the doctor will deliver and inspect the placenta to ensure that it was delivered completely.
For caesarean or C-section delivery, the obstetrician uses anaesthesia to numb the lower part of the body. The doctor first cleans the lower abdomen with an antiseptic solution and make an incision in the abdominal wall and the uterus. Then, the doctor will take out the baby, cut the umbilical cord and deliver the placenta.
After the delivery, the doctor stitches the incision with dissolvable stitches and keep the mother and the baby under supervision to get them ready to meet the world.