What is adenoid hypertrophy?
The adenoid glands are small lumps of tissue located behind the nose that form a part of our immune system and help our body to fight a wide gamut of infection-causing germs when we are kids. As a child reaches 7 years of age, these start to shrink and become completely useless within a few years. These can sometimes become enlarged due to infections and allergies. This can obstruct the airway, making it difficult for the child to breathe. Enlarged adenoids can make you more vulnerable to ear infections.
Adenoid injury
Streptococcus infection
Epstein-Barr virus
Viral infections like HIV, rhinovirus and adenovirus (in rare cases)
Sore throat
Stuffy nose
Dryness in the mouth
Chapped lips
Sleep apnoea
ENT specialists usually conduct a physical exam to diagnose and assess the infection and find out its location. In some cases, blood tests and throat cultures may also be carried out to evaluate the severity of the condition.
Adenoidectomy is a surgical procedure that aims at extracting the adenoids. The surgery is mostly performed on children lying in the age group of 1 to 7 years. As the child approaches 7 years of age, the adenoids start to shrink and become vestigial. The procedure is carried out under the influence of general anaesthesia and usually done on an outpatient basis.