Best Hand & Microvascular Surgery Hospital in Delhi- Yashoda Hospital Ghaziabad
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Hand And Microvascular Surgery Department at Yashoda Hospital

At Yashoda Hospital, the hand and microvascular surgery department is dedicated to treating disorders concerning the hand and wrist. Our unit at hand and microvascular surgery specialize in the management of traumatic and non-traumatic conditions of the hand. Our hospital consists of the best hand surgeons in India trained in multiple fields regarding hand surgery, including Nerve repairs, tendon transfer surgeries, trauma, congenital anomalies, carpal bone fractures, brachial plexus injuries, and wrist arthroscopy.

We routinely treat hand injuries, including reconstruction, reimplantations, and limb-salvage surgery. Yashoda's hospital aims at restoring the functional and aesthetic value of the hand. We provide around the clock treatment of the hand to ensure that injured hands are treated with ultimate care at any time.

We also possess a committed team of hand physiotherapists that will ensure that your hands are properly rehabilitated after the surgery, and optimum functional results are obtained.

What is Hand and Microvascular Surgery?

Hand and mircovascular surgery is a special part of our Plastic surgery and cosmetology department. Our expert surgeons perform microsurgery procedures to repair injured hands and wrists, including tendons, blood vessels, nerves, skin, and joint damage.

While performing hand surgery, our surgeons utilize special operating microscopes that are used for precision and accuracy to perform intricate operations on blood vessels, soft tissues, and nerves. We have highly-experienced surgeons that perform successful microvascular surgeries.

Microsurgery of the hand and wrist are utilized to perform traumatic injuries such as the severed thumb, serious laceration of a blood vessel, or severe tendon or nerve injury.

Our department specializes in the physiotherapy of hand fractures, finger contracture release, elbow replacement, hand ligament reconstructions, and repair, brachial plexus injury, Flexor and extensor tendon repairs, tendon transfers, carpal tunnel syndrome TFCC injuries, and crush hand injuries.

Which Conditions Are Treated At Yashoda Hospital Under the Hand and Microvascular Surgery Unit?

Our plastic surgery and cosmetology department provides extensive care for a variety of problems, including treatments for:

  • Nerve compression syndromes
  • Carpal tunnel
  • Cubital tunnel
  • Wrist pain
  • Tendonitis
  • Trigger fingers
  • Cysts and tumours
  • Dupuytren's contracture
  • Vasospastic disorders
  • Congenital differences

We also treat the following traumatic injuries in the hand and wrists:

  • Fractures
  • Hand burns
  • Tendon injuries
  • Brachial Plexus Injuries
  • Blood vessel and nerve injuries
  • Ligament strains and dislocations
  • Replantation of amputated fingers and limbs

What Are the Types of Procedures Used for Hand and Microvascular Surgery?

Our department offers comprehensive and specialized services to treat complex problems from a variety of procedures:

  • Limb Salvage Surgery: Any individual suffering from malignant tumours from the neck to hand and from the pelvis to foot is treated to this type of surgery. In the case of bone tumour, our department performs world-class limb-saving surgery by replacing the lost bone with microvascular free bone transfer. Our surgeons perform this complex and challenging operation by replacing diseased bones and reconstructing a functional using-
  • A metal implant
  • Allograft: a bone graft from another person
  • Allo-prosthetic composite: a blend of bone graft and metal implant

The aim of this surgery is to remove the tumour part from the hand or any other body parts and minimizing the complications. The healthy limb should be acceptable, functional, durable, and aesthetic.

  • Microsurgical Replantation: Our surgeons use microsurgery replantation to reattach a finger, hand, or arm, which may have been completely removed from the person's body. The main focus of the surgery is to provide support to the patients with the ability to gain as much use of their limb as possible. Our department has successfully replanted the amputated finger, ear, hand, penis, or other parts of the body by using high-end surgical microscopes.

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