Haplo Identical Stem Cell Transplant- Yashoda Hospital Ghaziabad
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Haploidentical Stem Cell Transplant in Ghaziabad | Delhi NCR

Yashoda hospital Centre for Bone Marrow Transplant is part of Yashoda hospital that aims to provide patients with non-intrusive, compassionate care while advancing the understanding, treatment, cure, and prevention of blood-related diseases.

Yashoda's Haploidentical donor transplant unit is supported by a team of proficient experts who hold years of experience in performing Haploidentical Donor Transplantation. Our team has consistently treated a wide range of blood disorders and blood cancers. Our multidisciplinary team provides round-the-clock service and high-quality treatment to meet the individual needs of each patient in the best way possible.

There have been researches which have proved that less than 30% of the patient's find a stem cell match among family members. And in the case of people with mixed race, this number decreases to 5%. Approximately 70% of patients who do not have an HLA-identical sibling donor undergo haploidentical stem cell transplantation treatment to cure their blood-related disorders.

What Is Haploidentical Donor Transplantation?

The term haploidentical donor indicates a half-matched donor, whose human leukocyte antigen (HLA) tissue type matches with that of the patient's. A patient undergoes haploidentical stem cell transplantation when he/she has no matched donor is available. Usually, a half donor is:

  • Related donor: Such as mother, father or children as parents are always a half-match for their children. However, a sibling has only a 50% chance of being a half-match for each other. They can often serve as a donor for each other.

A haploidentical transplant is a form of allogeneic transplantation, which comprises the use of healthy, blood-forming cells from a half-matched donor to replace the unhealthy ones.

What Are The Indicators For This Transplantation?

There are numerous severe health conditions related to blood disorders that require bone marrow transplant as a cure. Such illnesses include:

  • Anaemia
  • Lymphomas
  • Marrow Failure Syndromes
  • Coagulation Disorders
  • Acute and Chronic Leukaemia
  • Myeloproliferative & Lymphoproliferative Disorders
  • Hodgkin's and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
  • Multiple Myeloma including
  • Amyloidosis,
  • Myelodysplastic
  • Myeloproliferative Syndromes (including Myelofibrosis)
  • Aplastic Anaemia
  • Sickle Cell disease
  • Germ Cell Tumours
  • Paediatric diseases and solid tumours
  • Inherited metabolic and genetic diseases

What Is The Procedure Of The Transplantation?

A haploidentical transplant is a newer form of transplant, which is a potentially curative therapy for a wide variety of malignant and non-malignant disorders related to blood and bone marrow. The transplantation procedure includes the following steps:

Step 1: Pretransplant Process: To ensure their general health and the status of the current medical condition, a patient has to take a series of Pre-transplant tests and procedures. This process of analysis may take several days.

The process includes:

  • Beginning Medical Evaluation
  • Conference for Treatment Plan
  • Central Venous Catheter Evaluation and Insertion
  • Bone Marrow/Stem Cells Harvest: Bone marrow from the hip bone or stem cells from the blood of the half-matched donor is harvest for the transplantation process.

Step 2: Conditioning Process: After the completion of the medical evaluation, a patient undergoes the conditioning process. This process involves the use of either chemotherapy or radiation therapy or a combination to:

  • Destroy any cancer cells in case of malignancy
  • Preparing the patient's bone marrow for the growth of new stem cells.
  • Suppressing the patient's immune system

Step 3: Haploidentical Transplant: For the cytotoxic treatment, the patient has to undergo the transplantation of the harvested where processed cells are put back into the patient's body, through a central venous catheter. These cells then move through the bloodstream into the bones' places, where they tend to create new bone marrow. The transplant provides a patient's body with a tendency to create new blood cells in a process, which is known as engraftment.

Step 4: Engraftment: The patient is kept under close monitoring for the sign of the growth of new stem cells along with supportive care.

Step 5: The Patient undergoes Post Engraftment monitoring and continuation of immunosuppression

What Are The Precautions One Must Take Before And After The Transplantation?

The precautions a patient must follow on a doctor's advice, before and after the transplantation process include:

Before the transplant:

  • Discuss your medical history in detail with the doctor.
  • If you have undergone chemotherapy take a shower twice or thrice in a day.
  • Take the test advised by the doctor, as it will help them evaluate more accurate treatment plan.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol or smoke/eat tobacco for a month before the transplant.
  • One must be prepared both mentally and physically to take the transplant.
  • Avoid eating heavy meals a week before the transplant.

After the transplant:

  • One has to follow a strict routine, as advised by the doctor. It will help in improving the immune system of the patient.
  • Patient must take all the medicines prescribed by the doctor on time.
  • Avoid unnecessary environmental exposure as it can lead to infection.
  • Maintain proper hygiene in your house and your room.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Get the proper vaccination as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Try to maintain a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.

Are There Any Complications Involved?

Usually, a patient receives high-intensity doses of chemotherapy or radiation therapy before a transplant, resulting in complications such as:

  • Infections
  • Stomach and intestinal irritations.
  • Skin redness
  • Bleeding
  • Anaemia
  • Problems in Organs like liver and lung

Other complications due to transplant include:

  • Pain
  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Flushing of the face
  • Hives
  • Chest pain
  • Risks of graft failure
  • Graft-versus-host-disease (GVHD) – a condition where donated bone marrow may attack the cells. Thus it is suggested to use the more genetically close donor for the transplant.

The clinical research is still being conducted for haploidentical transplant, which is a relatively new approach to transplantation. However, it has shown same success rate as that of conventional transplants.

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